
Face in proportion

about this project:
This project was due in 9th grade, teaching us to do a face in proportion. What we had to do is, using some frames, make a face. This face didn't had to be a specific person, you where able to freely draw. 

I loved this project, in fact is one of my better drawings in my last year. I started drawing the face, without knowing how it will turn out. then I tried putting some hair, but I didn't liked it. So I turned my project into a african girl. At the end i put some accessories as the earings and necklass. 


about this project:
this is again, not a project, but a sketch. This sketch is drawn with chalk of different colors. This sketch was done by me about half way of the year, last year. And it turned out being very nice. 

I had never draw birds, in fact i don't like birds, but one day It just came to my mind. The truth is, that even though it is not that well drawn, the whole concept of the picture, is the one I like.


About this project:
this is another sketch, drawn almost at the end of the year. This sketch is done by pencil, and with no guidelines at all.  

Because this picture was drawn in 9th grade, we didn't had guidelines of how to draw. At first i was planning on doing a ballerina, but it turned better as a gypsy. I really like this drawing because in a way it feels like a way of expression of myself. 

Extra Drawings...